‘Sorry’. It’s such a simple word, but it can have such a tremendous impact. It can diffuse even the most tense of situations. It can be a game changer.
By telling a customer that you are sorry when she has a negative experience with your product or service, you are showing her that you care, you sympathize with their situation, you aren’t blaming her, and you are willing to take responsibility. Maybe most importantly, you can significantly change the tone of the conversation so that you can have a meaningful discussion in trying to find a resolution to her problem.
However, ‘sorry’ is more than a word – it’s an attitude. It’s a mindset. It’s introspective. It’s thinking first about what your company could have done to prevent the problem or what it can do now to resolve issue.
Elton John sang, ‘Sorry seems to be the hardest word.’ Is that the situation for your organization?